The South Central Modern Language Association has formally separated from The University of Oklahoma effective November 1st, 2024.
We are grateful to OU’s administration, faculty, and staff for their decades of support to the organization.
Now boasting more than a quarter century of publication, South Central Review (JHUP) publishes a stimulating mix of interdisciplinary scholarly articles, essays, interviews, and opinion pieces. Topics covered include literary criticism, film studies, philosophy and history, as well as current debates on important cultural and political topics. Contributors have included Tzvetan Todorov, Susan Suleiman, Michael Mewshaw, Andre Codrescu, Marjorie Perloff, Jeffrey Schnapp, and Yvegny Yevtushenko. South Central Review is the official journal of the South Central Modern Language Association (SCMLA).
To learn more, visit SCr at Johns Hopkins University Press here.